The pixel

Build, deploy, and manage AI video analytics applications on your IoT devices

Make computer vision come alive on the edge

Start Your Journey

Leading enterprises use alwaysAI to build, train, and deploy computer vision
applications quickly and affordable


“Our customers are seeking accurate and reliable real-time data of their operations and processes, this partnership helps DTiQ fast-track its computer vision AI, analytics, IoT, and machine learning solutions to increase value for our 45,000+ customers.”



“The construction industry is rapidly changing and leveraging new technologies to build smarter, manage people and materials more efficiently, and improve ROI. alwaysAI provides a unique computer platform to help us rapidly prototype and deploy a wide variety of CV apps on the edge to improve our business.”


What is alwaysAI?

alwaysAI is a complete, end-to-end development platform for computer
vision on the edge. What can you achieve with alwaysAI?

Gain Real-Time Insights about Your Business

Run Computer Vision apps and capture and report real-time analytics about your business and customers to improve your overall ROI.

Train a Model

Explore our catalog of pre-trained models, upload your own model, or train one with our Model Training Toolkit.

Create a Computer Vision App

Leverage our powerful set of world-class APIs to build and customize your computer vision applications.

Deploy to your Edge Devices

Simplify the deployment process with best-in-class edge delivery and runtime capability to get into production fast and more securely than ever.

We don’t just help you build computer vision apps. We get them deployed and running on the edge right now. And, we do not charge for inference on the edge. You can improve your business ROI now and not worry about expensive cloud charges.

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